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September 15, 2008


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Good points Bud. My main point is that even if the Podcaster folks felt they were in the right, this was NOT the way to deal.


Podcasts are the juice that keeps people opening iTunes on a weekly basis, where they might otherwise not visit iTMS at all. It is the loss leader bringing in foot traffic.

If your subscriptions are loaded from the cloud, you do not see the new content available, paid or unpaid.

I think it extremely naive or perhaps disingenuous that hordes of developers gave no thought whatsoever to an app possibly being rejected for overlapping functions, give what the developer kit and NDA itself allow and disallow.

Gerald Buckley

Up to this point I don't think any of us gave a thought to Apple rejecting apps with overlapping functions.

C'mon! podcasting isn't Apple's sweetspot any more than creating music is. But, they have Garageband.app and a few apps made it into the App Store which allow for some pretty kooky mixing.

Either there's more going on behind the scenes we don't know about OR Apple's heavy handedness forced an issue. Distributing via 'ad hoc' is actually quite clever (despite the 100 limit on the publisher).

Either way, Apple HAS let a genie out of the bottle. Now, it's up to them to either change the Ts & Cs of our iPhone Developer Agreements or crack this thing open a little wider and not be so strict as to stifle their developers (of which I'm one).

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